My amazing boyfriend really spoiled me with Eagles and Eagles-related gifts this Christmas that I wanted to share with everyone

I figured I'd leave Christmas out of the title in case anyone wants to post birthday gifts etc. as well.

Hotel California hoodie

Linda Ronstadt's memoir (which features a chapter titled "The Eagles" of course!)

Eagles Farewell I blu ray...I've seen this before but didn't own it

Eagles Desperado t-shirt

a silver and turquoise eagle necklace

almost matching silver and turquoise eagle earrings ...surprisingly from a different jeweler

a bronze deer skull necklace ...not quite the same as the Eagles' skull, but still reminds me of them hehe and is really beautiful.

Eagles' guitar picks

and not 1, but 3 bottle of Jack Tempchin's Peaceful Easy Feeling Cabernet!!! which came with Jack's cd that features Glenn