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Thread: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    I think getting Joe in the band in place of Bernie was the smartest thing they've done or could do.

    The change to rock n' roll served them well with the success of Hotel California and The Long Run.

    I notice Felder's still claiming the credit for taking the Eagles more rock'n'roll.

    I've just recently formed the opinion that the Eagles/Walsh union was on the cards before Felder arrived on the scene, the stumbling block being Joe's solo career.

    When the band meet Felder, they decide we don't need Joe, we can have this guy instead. A few months later they decide that they still need Joe.

    If they brought in Joe first, I can't see Don Felder ever becoming an Eagle. Whether Bernie left or not. Judging by Felder's most recent album, he's actually more M.O.R. than the Eagles.

  2. #22
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    The story is that Joe was out of town when they wanted someone to play slide on "Good Day in Hell". The truth is that Glenn, Henley and Randy were responsible for taking the band in a more rock-n-roll direction and they brought Felder and Joe in to help them.

  3. #23
    Border Rebel Midnight Visitor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Funk 50 View Post

    I've just recently formed the opinion that the Eagles/Walsh union was on the cards before Felder arrived on the scene, the stumbling block being Joe's solo career.

    When the band meet Felder, they decide we don't need Joe, we can have this guy instead. A few months later they decide that they still need Joe.
    Sorry, I don't think that's the case. Felder was a friend of Bernie's. Felder did in fact bring a more rock guitar sound to the band. I don't believe there was any talk of Joe joining before Felder.

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  4. #24
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by VAisForEagleLovers View Post
    Dreamer, I look at it in the sense that Bernie had already left the band, so for me, it's not a case of Joe being a better option than Bernie. I just feel that Joe was a much better option than anyone else they could have chosen.
    I hear ya VA. And I certainly don't mean to be derogatory to Bernie. I think he was the perfect choice for the band at the beginning to achieve the country rock sound they were going for. When the band decided to go for a more rock and roll sound, they brought in Felder. Unfortunately, they still were unable to achieve exactly what they wanted until they made the transition from Bernie to Joe. They actually announced Bernie's departure and the addition of Joe at the same time in a short press release. I know the context of the press release is on the site somewhere, but I couldn't find it. Now, since I'm one that loves all of the music that the band did, I don't think one incarnation of the band was better than the other. I do, however, believe the change was a very shrewd move because it proved that the band was able to perform pretty much any genre of popular music at a very high level. As I said in my previous post, I believe that the change was very significant in making the band a lasting entity.

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  5. #25
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Funk 50 View Post
    I notice Felder's still claiming the credit for taking the Eagles more rock'n'roll.

    I've just recently formed the opinion that the Eagles/Walsh union was on the cards before Felder arrived on the scene, the stumbling block being Joe's solo career.

    When the band meet Felder, they decide we don't need Joe, we can have this guy instead. A few months later they decide that they still need Joe.

    If they brought in Joe first, I can't see Don Felder ever becoming an Eagle. Whether Bernie left or not. Judging by Felder's most recent album, he's actually more M.O.R. than the Eagles.
    Joe didn't join until the end of 1975 which is over a year after Felder joined.

    I'm not sure how the comment about Road To Forever which was made in 2012 is relevant to Felder's music in 1974.

  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    I hear ya VA. And I certainly don't mean to be derogatory to Bernie. I think he was the perfect choice for the band at the beginning to achieve the country rock sound they were going for. When the band decided to go for a more rock and roll sound, they brought in Felder. Unfortunately, they still were unable to achieve exactly what they wanted until they made the transition from Bernie to Joe. They actually announced Bernie's departure and the addition of Joe at the same time in a short press release. I know the context of the press release is on the site somewhere, but I couldn't find it. Now, since I'm one that loves all of the music that the band did, I don't think one incarnation of the band was better than the other. I do, however, believe the change was a very shrewd move because it proved that the band was able to perform pretty much any genre of popular music at a very high level. As I said in my previous post, I believe that the change was very significant in making the band a lasting entity.
    I think they had to make the change. They wanted the success that only came to bands who were pure rock and roll, yes, but by 1975, country rock was not nearly as popular, and rock music was taking a turn. Their older catalog was still well received, as evidenced by the sales of Their Greatest Hits, but to keep making more of the same would have been a mistake.

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  7. #27
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles


    This is a momentous day in Eagles history. It was 40 years ago today that the music world was rocked with the news that Joe Walsh was joining the Eagles. In spite of many fans being very skeptical at the time, I thought it was awesome. Looking back now, it seems to have been a brilliant move for all parties involved.


    Long may you ROCK!!!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  8. #28
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post

    This is a momentous day in Eagles history. It was 40 years ago today that the music world was rocked with the news that Joe Walsh was joining the Eagles. In spite of many fans being very skeptical at the time, I thought it was awesome. Looking back now, it seems to have been a brilliant move for all parties involved.


    Long may you ROCK!!!

    Dreamer, you have said it well, so I will second that.
    Gotta love Joe.

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  9. #29
    Border Desperado SoaringRockyMountainWay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Joe is so awesome and I'm glad he's an Eagle!
    People talking about us they got nothing else to do. When it all comes down we will still come through in the long run.

  10. #30
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh Joins the Eagles

    Happy 40th Anniversary to Joe. I think this was Glenn's and Irving's best decision to bring Joe into the band. He brought so much back in 1975 and he still bring so much today.

    Taking a quote from one of his songs. Life's Been very good to him.

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