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Thread: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

  1. #31
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    not sure if the voting is done for the first round (I think it is?) but my first elimination would have been "The Island"
    Second: It's alright

    LOVE LOVE Slow down.... I was fortunate enough to see TBS twice in So. Cal (saw him last Sunday before he left for London and on Jan 8th) and was hoping that he'd do Slow down but it's not on his set list.

    Wonder if he might add it if it ends near the top of this list??

  2. #32
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    Welcome to the game, ltm - I am unclear if you are trying to cast a vote or not by your post. If you intended to vote, if you can make another post before 8:00 p.m. EST stating what you want to vote for, I will count it.

    As far as myself, I like Pearl on the String and Goodbye, My Love even though the music is very country in the latter. My least favorite of the remaining songs is It's Alright, then Slow Down after that. Since this round is close, I'm going for the safe vote ...

    I cast my vote for Slow Down.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  3. #33
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Results of Round 2: The committee inside our heads says 'slow down'

    The next song to be eliminated in Leap of Faith Survivor is Slow Down. “Slow Down”, the tribe has spoken and your prime time didn’t last too long. Your only pace was to win the race and now you are left with the bitter without sweetness. We hope you won’t despair because you didn’t seize the moment, but you must leave the island immediately.

    Slow Down – 5
    Goodbye, My Love – 3
    Pearl on the String – 2
    It's Alright – 1

    Vote Breakdown
    Slow Down – Freypower
    Slow Down – sodascouts
    Slow Down – MaryCalifornia
    Slow Down – Brooke
    Slow Down – Ive always been a dreamer
    Goodbye, My Love – Annoying Twit
    Goodbye, My Love – zeldabjr
    Goodbye, My Love – Gemini
    Pearl on the String – timothyswife
    Pearl on the String – L101
    It's Alright – Delilah

    Songs Eliminated:
    The Island 2/02
    Slow Down 2/04

    Songs in Play:
    My Hat
    All Those Faces
    I Refuse
    What I Should Do
    Goodbye, My Love
    You're So Wild
    It's Alright
    Red Dirt Road
    Pearl on the String
    This Waltz

    Voting for Round Three begins now.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  4. #34
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    OK, well I won't vote for either POTS or GML, the latter of which I really like. I vote for What I Should Do which doesn't grab me.

  5. #35
    Border Desperado TW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    I will miss Slow Down, it was in my top 3! I will vote for Pearl on the String again.

  6. #36
    Border Rebel RudieCantFail's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    I will miss Slow Down as well. I didn't get to vote in the 2nd round because I like to take a re-listen to the album as songs get eliminated. I would have voted for You're So Wild in the last round, so You're So Wild is my vote for this round.

    I'm glad that my vote still wouldn't have mattered in saving Slow Down. I liked the reggae influences on that one, but I don't really like them in You're So Wild.

  7. #37
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    I missed round 2, though I doubt my vote would have made a difference. I'm always surprised by these survivor games because I naturally assume everyone thinks like me until proven otherwise.

    I like The Island because of the mood it creates. On a busy, stressed day it can take me to a sandy beach, crystal water and a gentle breeze. Similarly, Slow Down is a reminder to appreciate what I have now - and I like the reggae beat.

    Once again, my vote is for Pearl on the String. I haven't paid much attention to the lyrics so I don't know what it is about but my objection is the music. I'm struggling to remember it but I know that it irritates me slightly each time I hear it. Too simple, too repetitive and too like the others on the album.

  8. #38
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    I'm always surprised by these survivor games because I naturally assume everyone thinks like me until proven otherwise.
    lol I know exactly what you mean, UTW. When I saw that FP voted for What I Should Do this round, I let out a gasp cause it's near or at the top of my list. But, that's the way we roll around here.

    Goodbye, My Love is another song that is getting votes that is pretty high on my list. I especially like the chorus in the song.

    As far as Pearl on the String, it has grown on me mainly because of the lyrics and melody. I agree the music is repetitive though and that puts it in the middle of my list. I do like it better than the two songs that have already fallen, as well as, It's Alright and You're So Wild.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  9. #39
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    I'm gong to stick with Pearl On The String for this round
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  10. #40
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy B. Schmit Song Survivor: Leap of Faith

    I cast my vote for You're So Wild.

    It seems like the verse and chorus are from two different songs. They don't merge well. Plus, I don't think the chorus is sung with enough verve. It's like he's just making an observation rather than really feelin' it. JMHO, obviously!

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