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Thread: Sues for wrongful death

  1. #41
    Stuck on the Border DJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    I recall when Glenn passed away, Irving made a statement stating that Glenn's medications killed him. I can believe that, knowing a lot about the autoimmune drugs. Ulcerative Colitis is nasty and if not treated properly can land you in the hospital and worse.

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  2. #42
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    The medication weakened the immune system which left him vulnerable to infections such as pneumonia. To me that is all there is to it. I feel saddened that this course of actioin is being taken instead of some effort being made to celebrate Glenn's life. I know nothing about the case but I would think negligence would be extremely difficult to prove.

  3. #43
    Stuck on the Border Dawn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    The medication weakened the immune system which left him vulnerable to infections such as pneumonia. To me that is all there is to it. I feel saddened that this course of actioin is being taken instead of some effort being made to celebrate Glenn's life. I know nothing about the case but I would think negligence would be extremely difficult to prove.
    I very much agree, it's very disheartening yet I have this nagging feeling there has to be more to it. Glenn was no stranger to lung infections, he battled pneumonia during the finishing touches of making After Hours. And reportedly he was "worn out" from the last tour which ended @ 3 months earlier. If as alleged he was not given proper care during the timeframe in question leading to further complications and ultimately his death I feel the family has a right to pursue all legal recourses. Its a tough road to go down but they may very well feel a responsibility/obligation to proceed. Whatever the reason or outcome it's clear Cindy is looking for answers and accountability.

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  4. #44
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawn View Post
    I very much agree, it's very disheartening yet I have this nagging feeling there has to be more to it. Glenn was no stranger to lung infections, he battled pneumonia during the finishing touches of making After Hours. And reportedly he was "worn out" from the last tour which ended @ 3 months earlier. If as alleged he was not given proper care during the timeframe in question leading to further complications and ultimately his death I feel the family has a right to pursue all legal recourses. Its a tough road to go down but they may very well feel a responsibility/obligation to proceed. Whatever the reason or outcome it's clear Cindy is looking for answers and accountability.
    Yes, I understand that & understand that we are talking about the treatment of the UC before the pneumonia developed. I believe he was supposed to have his large intestine removed but then the pneumonia developed. I just wonder how exactly it should have been prevented given the issue of the RA medication. I also personally find some of the language used distressingly emotive. Of course he was sick; he was dying.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    FP, it may come as a shock as I don't think we have agreed on much, but on this issue, I'm with you all the way.

  6. #46
    Border Desperado Elizasong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    Quote Originally Posted by groupie2686 View Post
    Yes, exactly. I know a little about medical malpractice (I'm a lawyer), although it's not an area I practice in. She wouldn't be going forward if she didn't have a reasonable ground to believe the doctor and hospital provided improper medical care. She is likely looking at years of litigation. It is very hard to prove a claim like this and I wish her the best of luck.

    I do wonder, though, how this was leaked to the public. Does TMZ and the like go through the court clerk's website across the country hoping that something will be filed relating to a celebrity? How would they know?
    My friend sent me this article on Reuters which I thought was legit but now a days you never know....

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    This is so sad in so many ways. I definitely have ambivalent feelings. I don't really know enough to comment further.

  8. #48
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Cindy Frey has access to information we don't have... she was there. She knows exactly what went down, and as upsetting as this is for us to hear, it's a hell of a lot harder on her!

    I would never presume to pass judgment on her decision.

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  9. #49
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    Amen! I agree 100%. She is said to be a very positive person.. And the Freys very private. So to be pursuing this, (IMO) she has some very real, serious issues with them. The terrible things she had to endure and now re-live. God bless her.
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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Sues for wrongful death

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Cindy Frey has access to information we don't have... she was there. She knows exactly what went down, and as upsetting as this is for us to hear, it's a hell of a lot harder on her!

    I would never presume to pass judgment on her decision.
    Yes, she does have access information that we don't have, but that doesn't mean she's automatically right. I feel bad for everything she and her family have suffered, but that doesn't mean I blindly agree with her actions. As I said, I don't know enough to comment one way or another. I can't say that it's right or wrong. I know nothing about Cindy Frey, other than, as others have commented, she seems to be a positive person, and I'm sure she's been through a lot. If, indeed, there was negligence, then I'm glad she's doing it. But I also feel that the amount of malpractice suits in this country is disturbing. So, either way, I feel sad.

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