Did anyone catch the East Coast (uncensored) version of Adam's live number on the AMAs Sunday night? It was on last, so pretty late; and then ABC had time to censor it for viewing on the West Coast. I watched on our DVR, because no one in our household could stay awake on Sunday; and then I promptly deleted it so the young 'uns wouldn't be able to see it!! (Of course, there's always YouTube, but I doubt they have that much incentive to see HIM...someone else, maybe, but they aren't big Adam fans.) Anyway, on first viewing of the song, I couldn't believe my eyes when Adam stuck the other guy's face in his crotch and gyrated around awhile! All of a sudden, though, the camera panned to the audience, so you knew the network was trying to close the barn door after the horse was out! Too late!

And when Adam kissed the keyboardist (keyBorder?)...that wasn't nearly so bad, since I really couldn't tell whether it was a man or woman, even with several rewinds and replays. I had actually decided it was a woman from my vantage point. It wasn't until the fallout the next morning that I realized part of the issue was that it was a man.

So, what does everyone think? I, for one, definitely think he went waaaay over the top...completely unnecessary, especially for his TV debut post-Idol. Everyone was looking forward to seeing what he would do as a musician and an artist, and I think he was just going for shock-value (which he definitely scored high on.) However, he will definitely lose a lot of the fans that he earned on Idol...namely, the families that watch that show and help propelled many of the former winners to current stardom. He will obviously win big with the young adults, however. That sort of presentation may have been better saved for after he had been 'around' awhile, and has had time to let his music do the talking. (Other than that song, I actually have liked much of his music.)