I'm starting to feel a wee bit guilty that I didn't include the Dead this round. I just have never gotten it!! I admit, I've never see them live, tho I've had several chances that I didn't take, and have been told that's when you understand. I actually had them in the top 25 but eliminated them in the end.
Side note: We have a friend that is a HUGE Deadhead and some how over the years has gotten his hands on almost 100 bootlegs that date back as far as the 60's, all on cassette. One day a couple years ago, he showed up at our house and gave them to our son (who loves GD). He has 3 boys of his own but they hate rock music and he said he knew Dillon appreciated music, liked the Dead and he wanted someone to have them that would keep them and appreciate them. I don't believe Dillon has ever played them because he's afraid to. His goal is to get them transferred to cd and put the originals away for safe keeping.

BTW---You all should vote for