Soda, I'm sorry to hear you had another one. I can imagine how disheartening it is. Keep your chin up and blame the scratches on Milton.

GA, thanks for the info. What I didn't mention is that I've been having problems on and off with hoarseness for a long time, like since I lived in VA. It's progressively gotten worse, and I did blame it on 'drainage', even though I don't feel any. It got worse over Christmas and January and I figured it was the cold air and the heat being on all the time. Since having the pneumonia when I lost my voice completely, it's been far worse. I took an antihistamine for a week to see if that helped and it did not help at all. So, it's time to get this solved.

One reason my voice is so frustrating...we had some issues with my mother today. She ended up in ER and admitted to the hospital. She was very confused and had no short term memory at all. My sister-in-law happened to call, and my mother did have my aunt staying with her, and Chrissy asked if Annabelle was there and Mom couldn't tell her if she was or not. My sister is at a conference, so we got a hold of her, turns out that Mom was to be at her house. My nephews said she had forgotten to take her medicine to my sister's house. So she needed to return today to get it. She left in pajamas and doesn't remember the trip (it's over an hour). The good news is that her CAT scans came back clear. This happened to her back in 2009, and it eventually cleared up although there are segments of time she doesn't remember.

For me personally, it was very frustrating to be in such a panic initially and not be able to talk on the phone strong enough to be heard. I couldn't talk to the doctors or anything, I had to text my brother so he could ask. So, it's time to get this fixed.