Well – I'll make a couple of other observations as we wrap up Hotel California celebration week. For me personally, I believe Hotel California is their best album from start to finish. As others have mentioned, the only flaw to me is that Glenn should have had at least one more lead vocal so I guess I can appreciate how that could make it seem incomplete for some folks. However, I think every song that is on the album is incredible and they work together so effectively to form this concept album. But, as much as I love the song Try and Love Again, there is no way that I think it is better than Hotel California or Life In the Fast Lane. Any one is free to disagree with me about this, but I think my opinion probably aligns closer to the mainstream opinion about the song. None of us can say for sure, but I’m betting that even if the song had been released as a single, it would never have reached the legendary status’ of Hotel California, Life In the Fast Lane, or New Kid In Town.