Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
I find it funny that Joe is posting pics all the time on Fb and Twitter, but yet the Eagles (Don and at times Glenn) are good at saying 'no pictures' and actually get irritated at people for taking them.
Funny you should mention that, since I've been one that takes pictures a lot. I try and make sure I don't hold the camera up too high, and the camera is always in a mode with no flash and no blinking red light. At the Seger concert last week, we were in the third row. When Bob moved to the piano, nearly right in front of me, I couldn't see him because the woman in the front row was standing on tiptoe, holding the camera way over her head, and filming. I had to watch it on her camera since she was blocking my view completely. During the concert, many others blocked my view while holding their cameras in the air, and the lady beside me had no qualms knocking into me to move me 'down' so she could get in a good shot. Meanwhile, most were using flash and it was obvious there were times Bob found it distracting.

I'm not sure what reasons our guys have for not wanting pictures, and Joe's concert at Wolftrap they said he requested no photos. I'm sure that part of the reason for no photos is general consideration for others who paid to see the show plus the use of bright flash. If people could use a little common courtesy and common sense (what are the odds?) it would all help out. Apparently it's OK to be completely rude to others so that you can have THE BEST video on You Tube.

As for Joe, at the show in Wolftrap, he had a professional with a camera and those are the pics he posted later. I didn't see one in Brooklyn last week.