Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
Honestly, a lot of Joe's answers kind of piss me off. Stevie gushes about him and calls him one of her great loves, but he obviously never loved her. Stern asked him TWICE about it and the most he could manage was "Like a sister." He does throw out the word "soulmate" but it must mean something different to him than it does to others, because he goes on to basically characterize their relationship as a brief road fling. Meanwhile, in reality, it actually went on for two years (you'd never guess that from this interview). And he was only monogamous for one summer, and is proud he held out THAT long... Well. Lovely.

I guess he's just being real about his feelings, but still, it's tacky how he went about it. I feel sorry for Stevie. She needs to stop talking about Joe. Again, if what he says is true, even when they were together, he didn't love her. That's just humiliating, considering what she's said about him. BOO Joe. BOO.

Maybe he thought it would be too disrespectful to his wife to comment now about what happened 30+ years ago with a girlfriend.
Maybe he felt it wasn't Howard's or anyone's business.
I don't think he meant to purposely or publicly malign Stevie, but he's a big boy and he knows Howard's "schtick". Perhaps it would have been wiser to shut Stern down or go the "no comment" route.