I like to think that I pay close attention to all things Eagles but sometimes I'm surprised when i notice things that I never saw or heard before.

First, I've seen this picture many times but I didn't notice until I was looking through and reading the Very Best Of booklet again that Don's hat has "Azoff's" written on it. There's something else written underneath that but I can't see what it says. Can anyone else read that? Also on the same picture, I never noticed Glenn's big thumb with the red fingernail strumming the guitar.

I've been watching FW1 in pieces over the last few days and I finally got around to watching Take It Easy. In this video about 50 seconds in, right after the line "One says she's a friend of mine" Glenn winks at someone in the audience. I don't think I ever noticed that before but if I did I completely forgot about it. Whoever she was is a lucky girl. I'm assuming he was winking at a girl.
