Congrats Kath and Lisa.

Michaela, I got dragged up on stage with an improv comedy troupe once. It all happened so fast I didn't even have time to become scared. I'll take singing some ooohhh's over what I had to do!

This has been a trying week. A couple of people that I care deeply about are going through terrible times. I spent a lot of time this week just trying to be supportive.

Hubby is in Germany this week and (Z and Kay don't tell him this coz I'll just deny it), I really miss him. Probably because it's seems like it's been such a looong week. When I talked to him this morning he told me he was really homesick, too.

Top it all off with the snowstorm today. Our part of the state got between 9 and 17 inches!! I think we got something like 10 or 11. I couldn't get the snowthrower working so I've been shoveling on and off all day. My son, Tom, just showed up to save the day! I can hear as I'm typing this that he got the stupid machine going and he'll probably have the entire driveway done in half an hour.

Took the opportunity since I was housebound to put up two of my Christmas trees!
