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Thread: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

  1. #11
    Border Desperado Scamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    Hi KingWalsh
    Have you tried the AXSTV app? I downloaded it but haven tried it yet. Looks like it has a lot of features and you can watch shows on it. It was in the app store.
    Also there is a rerun of Brian's show with Joe. It will be on this Sunday, Feb.21 2021 at 6AM PT It was fun watching them drive all around the old Hollywood area and visit The Whiskey.
    My DVR took a dump in Dec so I lost all my saved Joe and Eagles shows. I have all the concerts on DVD but the tv shows I've had to watch for reruns. Got lost all back but two. Brians was one as it they've played the same show for three or four times so this is the first I've been able to find it. The only other one is West of the West. It's about Santa Cruz Island and how he got in with Dr Santon, the owner, to help save the natural beauty of the island. Along with Marla Bailey the's been really involved with it to this day. Marla is Lucy's Godmother. The show was on Public TV They don't have DVD for sale anymore on the SCI site.
    Been trying to figure out this album thing on this site. Getting better and trying to put some pictures on it.
    Hope your doing good, stay safe.

  2. #12
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    Hi Scamp! I have downloaded the axstv app but unfortunately no Joe to be seen I check periodically but so far nuttin. I never saw the Santa Cruz Island piece. Interesting.

  3. #13
    Border Desperado Scamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    I found a place I could et the West of West dvd so I'm waiting for it.
    Does the app have Brian's Road Show reruns on it? He on tomorrow morning 6AM PT. I also recorded him on Sammy Hager's show on the James Burton special.
    Earlier post I see Steve Luke mentioned with Joe. Joe is Steve's idol. Steve likes everything about Joe from his playing, his shows and him as a person and says he's just fun to be around. He said as much as he knows about the guitar and playing Joe always does something that surprises him. Joe gets so much praise on his playing from his peers in fact I read where Brian May said in in interview that he thought Joe is probably one of the best slide guitar players in the world. But on AXSTV's Top Ten show, one of the regulars said he was surprised when he read on Andy Gibbs' album that Joe played the guitar on it. He's even played with REO SpeedWagon before Kevin joined.
    The Youtube he just did with Ringo and all his friends he was looking good and sounding good.

  4. #14
    Border Desperado Scamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    Ran across this article this morning. Be sure to scroll down and listen to Joe playing his solo in "Turn to Stone" Watch his face, he's so involved in playing I don't think he knows the crowd is there. Also look at the crowd's reactions to his playing. I think this is one his best "Turn to Stone" solo I heard him play.

    If you want to watch just the video without the article here's a YouTube video

  5. #15
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    Thanks scamp. That was amazing!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  6. #16
    Border Desperado Scamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Joe guitar solo (almost) everyone forgot...

    James Gang "Walk Away" 1971 What I really like in the older Joe days is watch him Joe has said in interviews how he likes when he gets so involved in what he's playing, he forgets he's on stage. Suddenly he'll look around and realize there is people out there.

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