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Thread: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

  1. #31
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I never had any intention on going to this and I just checked out the prices out of idle interest and because I was aware that a few of my Eagles groupies on FB were intending on going. I always considered that the real Eagles charged a little over the odds for the good tickets but I was happy to pay say $625 for a floor seat in the first few rows, some food/drink and a few gimmicks. It was my reward for taking on extra work (or maybe the reason for doing it! lol). And for the ordinary average fan it was doable if they wanted it to be. But these prices really go beyond the reach of the people who have been the loyal bread and butter fans of the past 40 years, the people who saved to see them, the people who organised their holidays around when they would be playing, or the people who had to make choices how to spend their money and they made the Eagles their choice. A HH pointed out on FB, a round trip to see the Vegas show with a front seat package would set a couple back $20,000 by the time flights etc were factored in. That could be someones post tax salary for a year. I also feel that whatever about good seats and a few gift and the usual palaver about crowd free merch and a private bar, a VIP package should not have to include a 5* hotel suite as part of the package. Does that preclude people who live near Vegas or have alternative accomodation from getting front row seats? Looks like it.

    Sadly I think this band is going to become a 'corporate' band out of the reach of the majority of the people who have supported it. Rich business people will be the only ones with the means to access the good seats and they will use them to impress others who never hears the names Glenn Frey or Don Henley in their lives. Or if they had they wont be able to tell the difference.
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  2. #32
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post

    The writing has long been on the wall since Classic East/West for those who have cared to look.
    You are so right! I am completely dismayed and angry that they are continuing on. This isn't the Eagles! And to pay those prices for this sham....I can't believe people will. Like someone said, it will only be for rich people that can afford it. The everyday fan (the ones who made them what they were for years) can stay home and listen to the originals on their recordings. I really believe all they care about now is the almighty $$$$$$$ They are such a disappointment.
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  3. #33
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
    You are so right! I am completely dismayed and angry that they are continuing on. This isn't the Eagles! And to pay those prices for this sham....I can't believe people will. Like someone said, it will only be for rich people that can afford it. The everyday fan (the ones who made them what they were for years) can stay home and listen to the originals on their recordings. I really believe all they care about now is the almighty $$$$$$$ They are such a disappointment.
    Amen, Brooke!

    The more it goes on the more disgusting and icky-feeling it becomes. They have really showed themselves, as if they are putting it out there proudly that they are all about the money. As the old saying goes - "money talks and bull**** walks!". They aren't even making any attempts to cover up this shameless money grab. I think Don Henley probably likes it now because he can run the show without having to cooperate with another person, who more often than not had the last say, even over Don himself (albeit being considered co-leaders). Point blank, it was Glenn's band. There is no real Eagles without him!

    The rose-colored glasses have to come off at some point and people have to take it for what it is and stop pretending they are doing it just because they love to perform or that it's ok because Cindy approved it.

  4. #34
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    I can't say for a fact what their motivations are, but it's getting harder and harder for me to believe that the MAIN motivation is anything but money. Healing? Maybe it actually helps them heal to see rich people in the best seats, but I'm not sure I believe that.

  5. #35
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    To be fair, if Glenn were alive, I would be one of the people trying to buy a "cheap seat."

    Then again, if he were alive, would prices be like this?

    He wasn't adverse to making money, that's for sure; they were charging a grand for the front row during HOTE. Still... there wasn't this kind of $7000+ package stuff when he was in charge of the store.

    I was speculating with GA that I think tickets would probably still be really expensive if he were alive, and we'd still be moaning about it, but they wouldn't be THIS expensive.

    Quote Originally Posted by chaim
    Maybe it actually helps them heal to see rich people in the best seats

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #36
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by chaim View Post
    Maybe it actually helps them heal to see rich people in the best seats, but I'm not sure I believe that.

  7. #37
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Now that I mentioned the "healing", I started thinking if it's something the band have said themselves or if it came from fans...

  8. #38
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by chaim View Post
    Now that I mentioned the "healing", I started thinking if it's something the band have said themselves or if it came from fans...
    I think both. I know there's definitely been some people on here to use that term. But I also seemingly remember something about Henley saying something similar.

  9. #39
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Quote Originally Posted by longtimeeaglesfan View Post
    Floor seats in the 11th row are over $907 each after fees. The Lane One packages range from $2,100 each (ticket only in 3rd or 4th row side floor sections) to $7,500 each for front row-center, but includes hotel, some food & drink and transportation extras.

    The worst nose bleed seats are $164 plus
    Remember when there was little or no difference in seat prices? Dedicated fans of modest means could get front row seats if they were willing to camp overnight in front of the box office.

    These prices are well above what you would expect for some charity fund raiser---at least then you could feel good about supporting a worthy cause.

    I wonder if they are so far removed from the average Joe that they don't realize that these ticket prices are insultingly unattainable for the majority of their long time fans, many whom are retired at this point. And all the fancy hoo-haws added on just make them more expensive.

    To put the prices in perspective, the average household income for Linden, where Henley is from, is less than $26,000 a year. As GA implied, rich folks who hardly know them will be the ones out front. And paying that much money doesn't insure that there won't be sound issues, hoarse singers, or obnoxious drunks seated all around you, either!
    "Be part of something good--
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  10. #40
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Eagles to perform Hotel California in its entirety

    Is this the same Don Henley who made a living off preaching about the evils of money, arrogance and greed; and espousing the glories of Thoreau's steadfast observation of simplicity and humility? If the blatant hypocrisy didn't amuse me so much I'd probably cry.

    Charging $7,000 for essentially a greatest hits tour, plus two songs they haven't played in deacdes and another two that fall in and out of the setlist (The Last Resort and TALA, Wasted Time and VOL respectively), featuring 40% of those who featured on it not even playing the same contributions the made (e.g. Henley on drums for any of it, or Joe's keyboards throughout), and only one half of the most famous dual guitar soloists ever. You see the same thing in sports, the offerings completely going over the heads of those who would die for the participants, all because you can make more money out of gormless morons who couldn't care less if they were at a boxing match or an orchestra.

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