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Thread: Greetings from Ohio

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Southwest Ohio

    Default Greetings from Ohio

    Didn't want to start posting (but I did, oops) without introducing myself here.

    Name is Cheryl, I live in Ohio. Really, Ohio is a vortex. All the things you love and/or hate either come from here or will be here eventually. Sometimes you come here to live; sometimes you just get arrested here. I was born here. Can't figure out why I'm still here, but that line comes to mind: "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave." I have tried, but all my plans to get out of state have failed for one reason or another. Maybe I'll try again one day.

    Been an Eagles fan since... yeah, the beginning. Of course, I was only three years old at the time. No, that's a lie, I was older than three. Old enough to buy records, unless I could talk my Mom into buying them for me.

    I'm in the computer business... programmer, systems designer, and part-time cat herder. I also work with a Thoroughbred non-profit based in Kentucky. Really need to think about retiring, but haven't figured out what my third career is going to be. Actually, I know what I want it to be... we shall see if it works out.

    Started reading this board about a year ago. Found it when I was looking for photos. Began reading a particular thread Thursday night, got halfway through, then went to the end of the thread and started reading backwards. (It's okay. I'm left-handed, I'm used to doing things backwards and upside down.)

    This is a great board, I only wish I'd found it about ten years ago. Still looking for an avatar and signature photo... I'll know it when I see it. Hope to be a decent contributor and looking forward to "talking" to everyone.

    Take care,

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Hi Cheryl - Welcome !

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio


    It's all in your smile that brings
    All of the special things about you

  4. #4
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Welcome! Where in Ohio are you from? I was in Cleveland 2 years ago and I thought it was a nice city (well, some of it was, lol).

  5. #5
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Welcome, Cheryl! Glad to have you join us and share your thoughts.
    Maybe you can find that third career in a state you enjoy.
    Not much money in cat herding. I have found it a thankless task!
    Looking forward to your posts.
    "Be part of something good--
    Leave something good behind."

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Southwest Ohio

    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by groupie2686 View Post
    Welcome! Where in Ohio are you from? I was in Cleveland 2 years ago and I thought it was a nice city (well, some of it was, lol).
    Draw a diagonal line across Ohio, and I'm just above that line about two-thirds of the way southwest. (That line is I-71 from Cleveland to Cincinnati through Columbus.) Seriously, I live in Xenia. Ever heard of it? The place is famous for a tornado... or two... no, it's been three now. Apparently, the Shawnee around here called the area "Devil Wind" and the European guys who moved in didn't pay any attention.

    It's been at least a decade since I've been to Cleveland, but it seemed nice. I tend to travel more south than north.

    Thanks for the welcome... from everyone!

  7. #7
    Border Rebel East Texas Girl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Glad to have you CAinOH, I know you will enjoy yourself here.

  8. #8
    Border Rebel
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Welcome! Glad to have you here. Enjoy!

    Btw, I do remember the devastating "Super Outbreak" of 1974. I live in Indiana, and it was a horrible time for the Midwest. As soon as you said Xenia, Ohio, that storm was the first thing that came to mind.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by My My View Post
    Welcome! Glad to have you here. Enjoy!

    Btw, I do remember the devastating "Super Outbreak" of 1974. I live in Indiana, and it was a horrible time for the Midwest. As soon as you said Xenia, Ohio, that storm was the first thing that came to mind.
    Ah, April 3, 1974. Want to know where I was that day? In the basement of my house with my Mom and two brothers. House did not survive, it looked like a doll house with one whole side blown out. We were fine. Okay, very badly shaken, of course, but physically fine. It took my Dad 4 hours to get from the next town over to find us. I was 13 at the time, and to this day I can pretty much tell you every thing that happened from the time I got home from school to way after midnight when I finally got to sleep (on the floor at my uncle's house).

    I can even tie this in to music to make it sorta relevant. Anyone remember the original The Poseiden Adventure? You know, the one with Leslie Nielsen before he became a comic actor playing the ship's captain and giving that famous, "Oh sh!t" look before the big wave throws the ship over? That movie came out in early 1974. The song from it was sung by Maureen McGovern, and it was called The Morning After. "There's got to be a morning after, if we can hold on through the storm..." Uh, yeah. For days, no months, after the tornado, radio stations played that song. "This one goes out to the people of Xenia!" Then someone figured out that Ms. McGovern was born in Youngstown, Ohio. Hey! So someone got her to come to Xenia and play a concert at the Fairgrounds... where, of course, she sang that song. To this day, I cannot stand that song. We listen to an oldies station in our car. If that song comes on, my husband announces, "Hey, they're playing your song!" and laughs. (He is not from Xenia. He is from Long Island, New York. Uh, yeah... long story.) I snarl and say, "Change the station!"

    And, to tie this all in with the Eagles, I've been reading the "On this day in..." blurbs at the bottom of the forum, and I noticed a few days ago that "On this day in 1974, the Eagles played Dayton, Ohio." Dayton is 15 miles west of Xenia. My Dad was in-between Dayton and Xenia when it took him 4 hours to get home (no, home was gone) that day.

    Let's see, a month and a few days past the tornado in 1974... no, I was not at the Eagles concert.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Greetings from Ohio

    Quote Originally Posted by CAinOH View Post
    Draw a diagonal line across Ohio, and I'm just above that line about two-thirds of the way southwest. (That line is I-71 from Cleveland to Cincinnati through Columbus.) Seriously, I live in Xenia. Ever heard of it? The place is famous for a tornado... or two... no, it's been three now. Apparently, the Shawnee around here called the area "Devil Wind" and the European guys who moved in didn't pay any attention.

    It's been at least a decade since I've been to Cleveland, but it seemed nice. I tend to travel more south than north.

    Thanks for the welcome... from everyone!
    Pleased to meet you Cheryl. I have an Ohio postcard on my fridge this week; my husband has a friend who lives in Columbus.

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