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Thread: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Xfinity Theater Hartford CT 6/14/17

  1. #1
    Border Rebel travlnman2's Avatar
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    Default Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Xfinity Theater Hartford CT 6/14/17

    We missed most of Joe's set because of the damn traffic . The cops did not know how to direct it we live 20 minuets away and it took us an hour to get there.

    We did not miss Life's Been Good or Rocky Mountain way though.

    Tom Petty was amazing. The musicianship was top notch. Mike Campbell was on fire. It is definitely in the top 4 of my favorite concerts. I did see Joe 2 years ago and he played a solo show so I am happy that I saw a full show.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Xfinity Theater Hartford CT 6/14/17

    That's a bummer! But at least you didn't miss all of it and you got to hear 2 of his biggest songs. It sounds like other fans were in the same boat. And you still saw Tom Petty and the HB.

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  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Xfinity Theater Hartford CT 6/14/17

    How awful that you missed so much! Two is better than none, but I feel for you.

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