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Thread: Eagles.... 3.0

  1. #21
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Mentions in the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter View Post
    Frey died in January 2016.

    Very hard to know. I guess if it's rumoured, it's happening. Not sure how I feel. Terribly mixed emotions. In some ways it's brilliant news but in other ways to see the guys perform without Glenn ? It just doesn't feel right 😢
    I see it as Don, Joe and Timothy each playing their solo shows and the others guesting alongside them. Don said they can never sing Glenn's songs again as no one but Glenn can do them justice and that's the way it should be.

    But to get everyone's attention about the festival, they used the Eagles name in the headline - and it certainly got people's attention going by social media at the moment!
    "The more I know, the less I understand...."

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  2. #22
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Mentions in the Press

    Still too stunned to even hazard a guess. So completely unexpected.

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  3. #23
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Mentions in the Press

    Quote Originally Posted by L101 View Post
    I see it as Don, Joe and Timothy each playing their solo shows and the others guesting alongside them. Don said they can never sing Glenn's songs again as no one but Glenn can do them justice and that's the way it should be.

    But to get everyone's attention about the festival, they used the Eagles name in the headline - and it certainly got people's attention going by social media at the moment!
    The more I think about it I totally agree with you L101. I too think it'll be Don, Joe, and Timothy but still not sure if they'll use the Eagles name. It still feels too weird even thinking of that and I would prefer if they didn't. Plus, there will be other artists announced for these dates soon too.
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  4. #24
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I'm taking Annoying Twit's advice and waiting to react.

    I could be wrong, but I suspect Don, Joe and maybe Tim will be playing under a different name, "Party of Two" style. I can't imagine they would go out as the Eagles without Glenn.

    I'll wait for the official statement from their representatives before I draw conclusions.

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  5. #25
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    L.A. Times is reporting the "Rumour" too.

    West Coast: Possible Dates
    July 1st thru July 3rd;
    July 14th July 19th.

    East Coast: Possible Dates
    July 3rd thru July 13th;
    July 24th thru July 31st.

    Only date they share: July 3rd.

    I have no insider info. Just reviewed both venues MLB team's respective scedules. Could be missing non-baseball scheduled events at either venue, but so far, the above listed dates should give us a window on when Hell will freeze over again!

    I say-Yes.

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  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border MaryCalifornia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I was not expecting to hear this! But, Irving's mission has always been to do what is in the guys' best interest and to make as much money for them as possible. I don't think he cares about impressions or what some fans think regarding the band name. Whatever he does will have Don and Cindy's blessing. He is going to put the product out there and see what happens. And, if packaged with FM, probably make a ton of money. We shall see!

  7. #27
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    When I first read about this in a Google alert I found it disturbing. However, after reading this thread I have hope that, if in fact this news is true, they won't bill themselves as the Eagles.

  8. #28
    Stuck on the Border Annoying Twit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Mentions in the Press

    I would wait to see if anything is happening at all before spending too much time thinking about what will be happening and how.

  9. #29
    Border Desperado Philh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles Mentions in the Press

    I hope this is not 'Fake News' but interesting that Irving didn't deny the reports.

  10. #30
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I hope so too, but I don't have any insider knowledge to that effect... just a belief that Don Henley would keep to what he said just a few weeks ago: "I don't see how we could go out and play without the guy who started the band. [...] It would just seem like greed or something. It would seem like a desperate thing." - Washington Post

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