I’ll start this thread with a story about Will that is a little off color, but true, nonetheless. The first time I ever saw Will up close was at Glenn’s solo show at Casino Rama. Will, Al, and some others were having dinner in the same restaurant that we were. Now, in addition to “Sugar”, some of us had bestowed some other nicknames on Glenn including “Smokin’ Hot A$$” (a.k.a. SHA). When we first saw Will in the restaurant, he was up at the dessert buffet. One of the ladies in our party, almost gasp when she spotted him. Her mouth flew wide open and her eyes were as big as saucers. I had no idea what she had seen until I looked over and saw for myself. Will looked so drop-dead gorgeous standing at that dessert bar that we decided he had earned the nickname “Smokin’ Hot A$$, Jr.”

Soda, PLS, and I also got a chance to talk to Will, Scott, Michael, and Al this past August in Niagara Falls. We talked to them for a while, and they were all really sweet to us.