Walshfan88, with the whole House sit in thing I thought the Democrats were being childish in stopping all other legislation and just sitting there until they got their way. But I share in your frustrations of both sides not cooperating to actually get stuff done.

UtW, the amount of people killed with a gun would depend on the gun. A .22 caliber wouldn't have done that much damage while a shot gun would have been much worse. A shot gun is actually more deadly than an AR-15. As far as the homicide rate goes, it's sad that people have died but I don't think gun control will change it all that much. If there weren't as many gun free zones, people wouldn't be targeted and they could defend themselves. Also, if the government already can't handle the gun laws that are in place, how are they going to enforce new gun laws? In my mind, better use of the current gun laws and less gun free zones would help the problem. It would also be good to give people the mental or emotional help they need so they don't tend to do violent acts. Early release of felons and allowing ISIS to radicalize people is also part of the problem. Getting dangerous people off the streets and arming more good citizens should be the goal.

In the big picture, more people die from smoking and alcohol abuse than death caused by a gun shot. Yet know one tries to fix that issue. It's all blamed on the guns.