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Thread: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

  1. #1
    Border Desperado longtimeeaglesfan's Avatar
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    Default Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    This was our first Don Felder concert and the first time at the City Winery. We had previously seen the Eagles in Little Rock at their penultimate concert and Don Henley at the Ryman in Nashville last October.

    He performed 18 songs - 14 Eagles, 3 of his own and Stevie Ray Vaughan's Pride and Joy. Tommy Shaw joined him on stage for Hotel California.

    It was a treat to see his guitar work and he was very friendly and interactive. It was very nice to see his performance - another complementary piece of the Eagles history. The crowd all seemed to have a great time.

    This venue was small...maybe around 250 people. We were seated fairly close to the front and enjoyed dinner and wine there prior to the start of the show.

    We enjoyed talking with him before the performance at the meet and greet. He was very personable and he signed my copy of his book and my very first Eagles album, "Eagles Live" that I received for a Christmas present in 1980. As he was walking in he commented that he liked my shirt and that he was pretty sure he had one of those back in his closet somewhere!

    We were hoping to be able to see a Glenn Frey solo show at some point but like every other Eagles fan, we were very sad at his passing. As a side note, we just saw Jimmy Buffett in Orange Beach where he performed "Gypsies in the Palace" which he and Glenn co-wrote, as well as Take it Easy.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    Glad you enjoyed yourself and thanks for sharing your pic and autograph!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    How very nice for you!

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  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    Thanks for the review, ltef. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    Thanks for the review!

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  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Dawn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    Yes, thanks for sharing your experience at the Don Felder concert in Nashville. He seems to really enjoy doing the shows and I think the audience responds well to his easy-going interactive style. If he comes my way I'd definitely like to go see him.

  7. #7
    Out on the Border Lifeofillusion's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    I've got front row tickets to see him in July. I made it to one Eagles concert (June 7, '15). My plan was to see each of them doing their solo acts. I got to see Joe Walsh in September. I hope someday I will get to see Don Henly and Timothy too.

  8. #8
    Out on the Border ambulance girl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder at City Winery, Nashville, TN May 22, 2016

    I saw Timothy there last month, and it really is a nice, intimate place to see a show!! Timothy played mostly acoustic...i would assume Felder rocks much more though? I also saw the Eagles last year. Have seen Henley three times, Timothy once. Felder and Walsh are still on my must see list. And I'd really like to do a meet and greet just once. From everything I've heard, Felder is incredibly nice and humble, and to be able to touch "that" guitar...incredible!!

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