I don't get the hate for Joe's 80s version of Desperado with Sam Kenison. Nice electric lead accompaniment too.


I mean, Glenn sang it solo, why not Joe. Yes I know Glenn wrote some of it, but I thought and think Joe's versions of both Desperado and LITFL are every bit as good in their own way. It rubs me wrong to think of DH getting pissy over Joe doing Desperado. I thought this was a good version in Joe's own little way. Certainly not worth being snarky over.

I think it's as good as Glenn's version of Desperado. Glenn's is smoother of course and more like the record but I think Joe's version has a charm to it to this day when he does it. Yes the 80s one is rough around the edges, yes it features Joe's more ragged voice, and yes it's not perfect but that's EXACTLY why I love it. It's NOT perfect. He even forgets and changes some of the words. But I think it's FAR better than people give it credit for. Again, it just makes me mad that Henley would get mad at Joe. Joe DID NOT ruin that song or do it any kind of disservice. It's cool in it's own way. Heck it's better than most others singing it in bars or tribute bands lol. At least, to me. I realize I'm in the minority. That's ok though.

I realize going in this is a polarizing topic. Let's be civil.