Hi Guys,

Hopefully the wealth of knowledge on here on all things Walsh might be able to help me out.

I have just become the proud owner of a 79 Les Paul Custom which after purchasing (so no bs sell speak from the seller) I was advised it was originally bought from one of Joe's techs many years ago (about 20-25) from a shop in Sacremento (or possibly Tampa).

I have been in charge contact with a few known techs but none of them are sure or weren't around at that time.

Being a 79 it's obviously post Long Run era and into Joe's post Eagles era which was a hard time for him for many reasons so this could be a very hard one to confirm in any way or form.

Does anyone know if Joe ever played a Black Custom? Any pics or info on anything post 79 that could give me a lead?

Trying the usual FB/Twitter things as well but no joy as yet.

Here's a pic:

Thanks in advance for any help.