Longtime deliberate-ignoring of the band due to constant radio airplay and irritated by the Szymczyk severely gated sound...but after watching the History Of on Netflix, I became completely interested and found that - hey, their stuff isn't so bad! Have had the solo works Beast, Innocence, Nighter and Aloud for over 20 years and enjoyed them, so why not enjoy the band's stuff? Seem to be really interesting folks individually also.

Picked up all their albums on CD making sure they were before the 1999 remastering campaign to assure it was the closest reproduction of how they were meant to be heard...and I'm really enjoying them.

At any rate, I look forward to reading much of the material here and learning more about the group and hopefully being suggested things of theirs I haven't heard or known of before.

Rock on, folks! - M.A.