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Thread: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

  1. #151
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Agreed. The only thing that bugs me is when people put the phone ABOVE their heads and it blocks my view!
    LOL, that's never an issue with me. If I put the phone above my head, the photo would be of the rafters. Goes along with being tall. They never complain to me about the phone. It's my height. I've even had people come up to me after a show and thank me for sitting for most of the show and I've even got a guitar pick that way! They said "when you stood up, I feared I wouldn't see anything"...

  2. #152
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Austin - you were the first person that I thought of when I read Soda's post. As the resident short person on the board, just about any one holding their phone up blocks my view. The thing is if most people were as considerate as you are about this, it probably wouldn't be such a big issue. But, unfortunately, the people at shows whose main goal is to get as trashed as they possibly can or insist on viewing the entire show through the lens of their cell phone spoil it for others. Kudos to you for 'earning' that guitar pick! I'm glad your kindness and consideration were rewarded.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  3. #153
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Another rockstar doesn't like having their picture taken. Boo hoo, lol.

    Of course views seem to be split between two sides but I'm of the opinion - I'm buying the tickets, I can take your photo (or a few). If rockstars get too arrogant about this, then I won't go to their shows. Simply put. If more do that, they might be tempted to change their minds. I think there are some who have had bad experiences with people and phones at concerts that make them side with the band/artist but I think respectful photography should be allowed and is totally right.

    I mean some acts aren't even letting you bring in a phone. How stupid is that?! Even if you don't take a single photo or video, what about a family emergency, another important event that you need to be notified etc that necessitates contact. I'm not talking a Facebook alert. But an actual situation that needs response or at least acknowledgement. Lets say you are by yourself at the venue/hotel, who are they going to call? The venue? Do you really think they will track you down in a sea of people or take the mic from the singer and announce it? And maybe you don't want it broadcasted to hundreds or thousands of people. I know I wouldn't. Embarrassing! It's just asinine. Some will allow them, but in a sealed bag. What if you can't hear it ring? I mean come on! Jack White is really quite arrogant I think.

    I've said many times I understand the perspective of audience members of blocking the view, and using tablets or holding up big phones and all of that. But that's not my point. It's the fact that these celebrities don't want their photo taken. Too bad. It's like when they attack the paparazzi and stuff when they are out and about in LA or NYC or wherever. You chose to become famous, deal with it! I guess I just don't have much sympathy for them. If you wanted a private life, don't put yourself in the public spotlight. Same for those that don't like criticism. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen! I'm not saying I think they should have every detail put in public but they are just freaking pictures! In public places at that.

    Now taking videos is a different topic. I'm of the opinion that you should be able to take one video from the concert. However I think that it is something that doesn't have to be allowed. It's definitely IMO a more sensitive topic. I DON'T agree with those that hold up devices and constantly film or livestream the entire thing. I am guilty as charged as far as watching full concerts on YouTube, but I can respect why artists don't like that - it cuts into their profits. But it may also motivate some to see a show, so that's shaky grounds for debate. I'm not sure that I can argue with them on that one. But I don't agree with the Don Henley types that think Google or YouTube or Spotify is the devil and is going to ruin the music industry, either.

    It's like those who worry about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc and privacy concerns. If you don't want it to be shared - don't share it! I'm not saying they should do everything but if you are worried about advertisers, don't put it up there. And if you are that worried about big brother, maybe you need to stop doing or sharing sketchy things, or at least realize that of course you might be being monitored, and I personally am ok with that. I think Edward Snowden did a lot of damage. I'm personally on the side of the government on that one, I think domestic surveillance can do a lot of good in terms of preventing attacks in our own country. I think people need to take responsibility of their online identity and public profile and quit complaining. Read the fine print on the TOS or privacy policy. Often times they'll tell you what they are going to do with your data. A lot of these networks have in depth settings now where you can turn off personalized advertisements too and lock down your social media accounts. There is a lot of FUD still when it comes to technology, even after all of these years. It's like those who believe everything they read online. Check your sources and do your research!

    And that's the Austin rant for the day! I feel better.

  4. #154
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Grumpy old men.

    Take a lesson, Austin: Don't become a grumpy old man. There are too many of them out there already.

  5. #155
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Quote Originally Posted by CAinOH View Post
    Grumpy old men.

    Take a lesson, Austin: Don't become a grumpy old man. There are too many of them out there already.
    Haha agreed!

  6. #156
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    It has been many years since I got to go to a concert. But it never occurred to me at the time that they wouldn't want their photo taken. I've had artists turn toward me for a long time when they saw I was photographing them. (Can you tell I've never been to an Eagles show?) I never used flash, and my phone is about 17yrs. old and has no me Analog Woman!

    While I agree some photographers can be distracting and obnoxious, generally I don't see a problem if they are polite and discreet.

    I was wondering what artists/venues thought these days about small, actual cameras without flash and not blocking anyone. Would you get chased out for using one of those?
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  7. #157
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Well FF I have done that and the only time I was told to put it away was at an Eagles show in NYC. But I got one of the best pics I ever got of Glenn and it was the last show that I saw him in so definitely worth it.
    I think it depends on the Artists and the Venue.

    For instance I have seen many artists in the 3 arena which would be the premier indoor concert venue in Dublin. The only band which had a strict 'no devices' rule was the Eagles. In fact many bands encourage the use of cameras and pose there for them. So its not a venue rule.

    Alternatively I was at the Ultimate Eagles last weekend in the TLT in Drogheda. Here there was a ban on devices as per an announcement and a notice which said that LEGALLY they weren't allowed. I've never heard that before. I have spoken to members of this band on several occasions and they have told me they are quite happy with pictures and videos of themselves performing being taken by fans.

    So venue, band, both, neither - I dunno. I guess we have to take it show by show
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
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  8. #158
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Quote Originally Posted by FreyFollower View Post
    It has been many years since I got to go to a concert. But it never occurred to me at the time that they wouldn't want their photo taken. I've had artists turn toward me for a long time when they saw I was photographing them. (Can you tell I've never been to an Eagles show?) I never used flash, and my phone is about 17yrs. old and has no me Analog Woman!

    While I agree some photographers can be distracting and obnoxious, generally I don't see a problem if they are polite and discreet.

    I was wondering what artists/venues thought these days about small, actual cameras without flash and not blocking anyone. Would you get chased out for using one of those?
    I think a lot of venues prevent actual cameras. I think phones are the only thing they do allow in, but it's up to the artist.
    Last edited by WalshFan88; 04-19-2019 at 01:56 AM.

  9. #159
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    While this isn't only to do with cameras in concert, it's another "get off my lawn" type thing that involves phones in general, social media, technology, and youth.

    The phone comments start at 41:04. I like how it starts out like "no offense, but" and then saying something blatantly offensive and he even admits he has no place to tell us this.

    It's Jack White telling us all how shallow and ridiculous we are for loving cell phones. I recommend watching the 4-5 minute section I've shared. He says things like "people walking around looking at phones look silly" and that sharing pics to social media about what they are doing is "shallow" and implying that we are narcissistic, self-centered, jealous, etc. It's like those who look down on people who take selfies, etc. I'm not a prolific selfie taker by any stretch, but I say go right ahead with the selfies. He also says it's sad that we can only stop using our phones when it is forced (like in his concerts), and that it's an addiction and seemingly as bad as alcoholism. It's basically the same schtick we hear from these types of people. It's like the people who share photos (on Facebook, ironically!) that back in my day we didn't play Xbox, we played with sticks and tires, etc. I always put a laughing reaction to those types of posts. It's just another "our generation was better" type of thinking pattern so frequently seen by a certain part of the older gen.

    It's a common theme, usually from older individuals. Rarely, young people (Jack White isn't a millennial, but a lot younger than a lot of the people that see it this way) can think the same way, usually due to being heavily molded by their parents as to how to act and think and tend to be more traditional and conservative. You see it more in rural, small, suburban areas and less in cities and bigger towns. And I don't have a problem if that's how you feel. My problem is when these people insist that it's the only way to do things or else you are "insert insult here". It's only gotten to be worse with the current state of the United States and until the next big change, I don't see it getting any better. I feel like someone has wound the clocks back in time and not for the better. It's a real shame that any progress that was made, a lot has been lost.

    For whatever reason this type of thinking tends to come from men, who tend to be pretty conservative (and not just politically, but in viewpoints on anything) and backward thinking. Saying things were better "back then". And I'm sure to them it was, they had more control and less people resisting. Maybe men are just more vocal about their distaste for the youth of today and technology. On another thread we were laughing how dad hates social media and mom uses it. I find that to be true more often than not. What is it about old men (and their sons that were raised to be just like them) that makes them so bitter? LOL! I sure hope I die before I reach that point. I really, really would rather be almost anything than be a stuffy old man. Some might see this post as grumpy, and you'd be part right, but it's more venting because I'm tired of seeing one demographic tell all the other demographics what to do, and when and how to do it. It kind of goes back to the whole toxic masculinity thing, a lot of these guys are actually quite fragile and feel the need to push people around out of sheer insecurity. I definitely subscribe to a more modern and balanced identity, myself. Some see sensitivity as being weak but I see over-the-top manliness as being fake.

    I really, really hate the curmudgeon old school-or-else fuddy duddy personality types. I should be clear I don't hate them as people (unless they are bullies or think that their belief system means it's ok to freely attack others, like minority groups. I'm not saying you can't speak your thoughts, but being respectful is key). I'm proud to be a millennial, Gen Y'er, progressive, etc guy. If for no other reason than to be a thorn in the backside of those who shake their fists at us and are stuck in past. Not every person is like this, but those that are and think their way of doing things is the only way and that things were better back then really bug me, ironically enough more as I get older. They will learn that they can either get on the bus or get ran over as we help take this world to the next place. They can kick and scream and say we are lazy, entitled, selfish, etc and that won't stop us from change. They like to cry "snowflake" and say we need our safe spaces and support animals, but it's usually the stick in the mud types who do the most whining about our every move. They claim everything is too politically correct. I take that to mean they can't get away with being bullies and being rude anymore without blowback. They use the 'get a thick skin' phrase and say it's just good natured ribbing and fun. Well if someone is being insulted, it's not good or fun. And they aren't wrong for reacting that way. Cue the "everyone is so easily offended these days" verbiage. And then you've got the "today's generation are wussies and so weak" type comments (cleaned up for the sake of the board) from people like Clint Eastwood. I'm not really going to worry what a my-time-is-up actor thinks of me. At least I'm not talking to an empty chair like it is a human being! I think I'll choose to be a member of the so-called "wussy generation" over doing that any day of the week, thank you Clint!

    The bottom line: if you don't want to use a phone, have social media accounts, or do anything the younger generation does - then don't. That's totally ok. You don't have to do it just because we do. You don't have to play along. You are entitled to your thoughts and I don't have a problem with that. I also don't mind more general expression of "I miss the old days" or "I'm old school". But when you start telling everyone who doesn't how terrible we are and how the young people are all worthless (in a roundabout way), I have a problem with you. And if you hide behind your belief system and thinking process so you can freely attack other types of people and people who think differently and then shout "It's too PC now" when people get upset with you, I think you are pretty worthless yourself. And if you are an artist who bans phones from your show, that's fine. Just understand that a lot of us won't come to your shows anymore and may even lose interest in your music entirely. Same for those that are against YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, etc. That's ok too. I'm not ageist. I'm "only do it the old way/my way"-ist. And with younger-ish guys like Jack White, that really proves my point. You can be a grumpy old fart at any age. And you can be a civil, well-rounded, mindful person at any age. Have your beliefs, not excuses.
    Ok, off my soapbox for now. I just get fed up with the narrow-minded people of the world. And maybe I feel a little disheartened when I see someone like Jack who can be so forward thinking and mindful on one thing like immigration involving one group of people, completely disown, look down on, and talk rude about another. Until this whole phone thing I always thought Jack White was pretty cool, a rebel? Not now! And I'm not even mad about the phone ban anymore. That's fine. It's the way he talks about those of us who dare to think differently about smartphones, social media, etc and telling us how sad, silly, etc we are.

  10. #160
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: The issue of Phone camera's and other issues in concert

    Right on Austin ! I totally agree with you !
    I have a funny little story. I spend the holiday with my two sisters and their hubby's at the shore. While we were eating dinner one night my sister's each told a couple of stories that made us laugh/shake our heads. My one sister works in the city. She said she was walking from the subway station to her office when she saw a 20 something kid walk into a pole. The kid had her head down reading her phone, oblivious to everything around her. My other sister said they were out to diner a couple of weeks ago. They sat near a family of four, who did not talk to each other the entire time they were at the table. They only spoke when they gave their food order. Their entire time was spent on the phone - two hours !
    I get what he is saying but those kind of preachy people get on my nerves. Jack is not THAT old. He is talking like he is 80 years old.

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