My favourite Glenn song is one he didn't do Friday night called That Girl. That is an old song from his first solo record. I bought it when it was newly released and I loved it immediately. I may have a new favourite though with I Love to Watch a Woman Dance. His voice sounded so sexy on that that I wanted to be the woman he was slowdancing with... badly. I don't want to get too personal but Glenn was so sexy on Friday that by the end of the show I was fantasising about him doing some very naughty things to me. My husband reaped the benefits of Glenn's charms. LOL. The way his voice got this growl in it on rockers and bluesy numbers, then would be so smooth on ballads... he can still sing with the best of them. His playing was great too and it was a treat to hear new Eagles music. I am mad at myself that I missed him when he was at Casino Rama last year. If he ever comes back here I will be there!