Last Tuesday the 19th (which saw me grab an upgraded version of The Very Best of The Eagles 2-CD on a happy note), I burned my left finger (one next to thumb) whilst microwaving marshmallows so I could put atop my bowl of ice cream as well as Hershey's chocolate syrup and whilst stirring, a piece of marshmallow wound up on my finger and I mimed obscenities. Then the next day, a gust of breeze flew the trunk of my car into my cranium which saw me let out a barrage of obscenities at Roger Waters type succession (reciting his rants from Madison Square Garden in July of 1977 when he flipped out on fans lighting off M-80s) with a golf ball lump on my head (which I had to get swelled down with ice and Aleve). Then two days ago on Monday I had three small kidney stones come out (I guess I didn't wash the Coca Cola and coffee out of my blood stream on time and it's hereditary as my dad has them as well). Other than that, am alright.