Just finished "Candlemoth" by one of my favourite authors, R.J. Ellory. A fantastic book. I would also highly recommend A Quiet Belief In Angels by him.

I've got to share this... I wrote on his FB wall to tell him how much I enjoyed Candlemoth, and he responded saying that I'd made his day etc. He also commented on the fact that I had a new guitar strap (he'd obviously flipped onto my profile.) He then said that he was recording a CD with his band in June. I responded "How exciting - best of luck with it!" and he said "I'll send you a copy when it's done." How flippin' cool is that?! Now I like him even more. LOL.

Seriously though... he's an amazing writer. His books are very real, often harrowing, but beautiful. I was hooked after I read A Quiet Belief In Angels.

I've just started "The Stonehenge Legacy" by Sam Christer. I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I'm "into it" already. It's reminiscent of Dan Brown. Worth a mention.