Just now getting to this thread. Interesting stories and congrats to all of you who have lost weight and quit smoking (1 habit I am very glad I never started! I hear it's hell giving it up).

I used to roller coaster my weight all the time. Lose it, gain it. The last time I lost 50 lbs. and kept it off for over 2 years and then it gradually started coming back on. I told myself then "I will never diet again!" It was to much of a letdown when it came back on. I have always been a plus size gal and will never be skinny--I have learned to accept that and am finally happy with my body, which in turn makes me more confident in myself! I'm a lucky girl that my husband also is happy with my body and in the 23 years we have been together has been with me thru it all and never once has ever criticized me because of my weight. I will never let myself get out of hand but I also know I was never meant to be a size 5, and can live with that. I'm very active (have to be with these kids) and try to eat decent but I love a good steak or fried chicken also. I don't drink or smoke so I figure what the heck!

On the veggie thing--I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before or not, despite their parents being huge meat eaters, both our children are vegetarian! Dillon is now almost 19 and decided at the age of 12 that he was no longer going to eat meat. Larry & I said ok and then laughed because we thought there was no way. That boy could put away a burger in 10 seconds flat! After about 6 months of it we figured he might stick with it and his sister who was 10 at the time decided she was also going to do it. We had people criticizing us because we were letting our children do that and it couldn't be healthy for kids that age. Let me tell you, my kids were healthier within a few months than they ever were, more active and happy! They both tried the vegan thing but gave it up (Dillon did it for 2 years and Katie only lasted a few month). Said they couldn't live without cheese and ice cream. The hardest part at first was what to buy and make for them. Now it's easy and since they are 18 & 16 they pretty much fend for themselves as far as meals. I just make sure we have the stuff in the house and they make it themselves.

Lou--Good for you and I'm very glad to hear your Mom was supportive of you when you decided to do that. I know from experience it wasn't easy for her and she probably took some flack from others. Good for her for letting you stay with it.