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Thread: Felder Tweets

  1. #31
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by MaryCalifornia View Post
    If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.

    Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.
    I agree with a lot of what you're saying here, but I do not believe he has snapped...far from it. He has a right to his say, whatever it is! I don't think it makes him look bad at all. He is asked about it on a constant basis. What is he supposed to say? The media won't let it alone either.

    As for someone suing you & not getting over it? Well, if you were fired, you might not get over that either...especially when you have a legal contract....
    Some people seem to think that it's OK to fire someone with a legal contract, & that person shouldn't sue...Well. I do think he had a right to sue. He was awarded millions in the lawsuit, so apparently it had some merit according to a judge.

    I just think it's pretty sad that now that the Eagles are touring the "History of the Eagles" they just seem to pretend that Felder was never even in the band! That's really sad. It also makes them look petty to not even mention Don Felder who added so much to their music for many more years than either Randy or Bernie....

  2. #32
    Border Desperado AEW21's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by MaryCalifornia View Post
    If you can imagine being Don Felder for one day at this point in his life, literally every interview he sits for, every question from any media outlet, every non-guitar-question- asking fan, has to do with his rift with and departure from the Eagles. Especially now that they are on their "History of" tour, and Bernie is with them, and they are saying kind things on stage about Randy, I bet he is getting the "why aren't you on tour with the Eagles question" on a daily basis. I think his tweet is unfortunate, he needs to be bigger than that, but it seems to me that he just snapped. I've watched his recent interviews - he knows he's gonna get the question, and he tries to be diplomatic. I think he snapped here. It really looks bad on him.

    Also, I don't think it is fair to accuse him of being the only one to perpetuate the animosity. The band's actions speak louder than words - not asking him to join on this tour is a huge statement that they cannot get over it, even for the good of the tour and for all of the fans who would love to see him. The band holds all of the power, and he is left to field the questions, day after day.

    The Eagles get asked a lot about it as well--I think more than half of Don Henley's e-mail interviews pre-this leg of the tour asked about it, giving us all the pleasure of reading Don's deliciously passive-aggressive "Mr. Felder" comments.

    Really, though, other than the documentary, has Glenn ever talked about it at length in any interview? I can't recall any--he seems to try to avoid saying Felder's name at all costs, which makes me wonder why Felder always seemingly singles out Glenn when he talks of it. We all know it was more than Felder vs. Frey, and while Glenn is defector band "leader," I think Irving and Don Henley have HUGE say in personnel dealings as well. Felder just seems to enjoy painting Glenn as the only obstacle to his return, whereas in reality, I think there's a multitude of issues, personal and legal, that keep it from being a reality.

    For his musical legacy, I would think Don Felder would want to be known more as merely an "ex-Eagle" and all the drama that went with it. You don't want the press to think that's the only story you have to tell. I think at this point, over 10 years later, what he shouldn't fall bait to these sorts of questions (ESP. from numbskulls on Twitter) and just graciously sidestep the question, and move on to current endeavors. That Tweet respond would have better served as a vehicle to mention his new album and current tour, not dwell on past.

  3. #33
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by Topkat View Post
    He was awarded millions in the lawsuit, so apparently it had some merit according to a judge.
    Unfortunately, this statement is inaccurate and misleading.

    Felder was not awarded anything by a judge, but rather got that money via an out-of-court settlement with the Eagles. Judges do not determine settlements. There was no verdict forcing the Eagles to give Felder a certain amount. It was a mutual decision between both the Eagles and Felder.

    I know the difference can be hard to understand, but it is significant because it means no one one "lost" or "won" the case. It's simply not true that a judge decided Felder was entitled to the money. That never happened.

    For anyone who is confused about what settlements are, you can read more here: .

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  4. #34
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AEW21 View Post
    Really, though, other than the documentary, has Glenn ever talked about it at length in any interview? I can't recall any--he seems to try to avoid saying Felder's name at all costs, which makes me wonder why Felder always seemingly singles out Glenn when he talks of it. We all know it was more than Felder vs. Frey, and while Glenn is defector band "leader," I think Irving and Don Henley have HUGE say in personnel dealings as well. Felder just seems to enjoy painting Glenn as the only obstacle to his return, whereas in reality, I think there's a multitude of issues, personal and legal, that keep it from being a reality.
    To the best of my knowledge (although I could have missed something), Glenn only talked about Felder's firing one other time, making the same football analogy as he does in the doc. I guess he must instruct interviewers not to ask him about it because you know they're itching to do so.

    Azoff said to Felder, according to Felder's own book which I have on my iPad so I can quote it directly: "Don Henley will never give you a dime more than a seventh." [emphasis added]. This was in response to the previously held notion that Henley would be willing to do more for Felder than Glenn would. That was 20 years ago. I see no evidence that anything has changed - quite the contrary. Henley and Frey are a united front against him.

    Perhaps Felder has not read all the interviews where Henley snarks on him, starting with the Rolling Stone interview in 2008 and continuing until as recently as a week or so ago. Henley's caustic comments are not the words of a guy who wishes desperately Felder were included in the current tour, but is forced by Glenn to exclude him.

    I'm not saying Felder's a bad guy, or that he wasn't an asset to the band musically. It's perfectly understandable that he would harbor resentment against Glenn and he has a right to his feelings. However, facts are facts. It is apparent to anyone who reads the interviews Henley gives that Glenn is not the only barrier to Felder rejoining the Eagles.

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  5. #35
    Stuck on the Border EagleLady's Avatar
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    TK, How can you say that Felder added more than Randy and Bernie, they all added to the band.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    This statement is inaccurate and misleading.

    Felder was not awarded anything by a judge, but rather got that money via an out-of-court settlement with the Eagles. Judges do not determine settlements. There was no verdict forcing the Eagles to give Felder a certain amount. It was a mutual decision between both the Eagles and Felder.

    This is not the first time you have said this, and it's not the first time you've been corrected, yet you persist.

    Unless you are deliberately spreading misinformation (which I don't believe you are doing), I can only assume you don't understand the difference. If that is the case, perhaps it will help you to read this: .

    If, after reading that, you still do not understand the difference, feel free to ask for further clarification.

    ETA: I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings but I'm so freaking tired of having to address the same inaccuracy AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!
    Soda, I am not trying to spread misleading information. If there was a settlement rather than taking the suit any further to a trial, the Eagles must have agreed to the terms of it. In any case, then the Eagles or the Eagles lawyers thought it was in their best interest to settle the case for X amount of dollars. If they felt that Felder had no case, they would have fought it & gone further with legal procedures. Whatever it was, Felder did get a lot of money. I have no idea how much, but I assume it was several million.

    In any case, that wasn't even the point I was trying to make. I don't understand why some people think it is OK to fire someone when they have a legal binding contract & that they don't have the right to sue when the contract is broken by the other party. That is what I have a problem with.

    When you tweeted to Don F & the guy who was asking about it, you mentioned that he was the one who filed a lawsuit. I was only saying that I think he had the right to do so....This is my opinion. I guess some don't agree with that, but it is what it is. I wonder what Don thought of your tweet?
    Did he reply? I didn't follow up on it. It may just be smart of him not to say anything more, but you brought up the lawsuit there in the tweeting.

  7. #37
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    You have every right to your opinion, and I went back and softened my post. I just wanted to clear up a mistake that I see so often it gets frustrating. Opinions need to be based on accurate information.

    Felder has not replied. Since I simply stated a fact to correct some misinformation, there's really no reason for him to reply. It's not like I criticized him or anything. I just didn't want that Chris person to think that Felder wasn't a part of the tour because he poured a beer over Glenn's head decades ago.

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  8. #38
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    I just didn't want that Chris person to think that Felder wasn't a part of the tour because he poured a beer over Glenn's head decades ago.
    Because ironically the person who did pour the beer over Glenn's head is on the tour!
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  9. #39
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    That guy Chris who tweeted didn't know anything. He is trying to get Don Felder to give him information on this??? That's not going to happen. It's way to long a story for Twitter & besides, why should Don even tell this guy anything?
    Let him go look it up if he's so interested!! LOL

    I just didn't see the point of tweeting about the lawsuit. The guy obviously doesn't know anything about the Eagles!

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Felder Tweets

    Quote Originally Posted by Topkat View Post
    Soda, I am not trying to spread misleading information. If there was a settlement rather than taking the suit any further to a trial, the Eagles must have agreed to the terms of it. In any case, then the Eagles or the Eagles lawyers thought it was in their best interest to settle the case for X amount of dollars. If they felt that Felder had no case, they would have fought it & gone further with legal procedures. Whatever it was, Felder did get a lot of money. I have no idea how much, but I assume it was several million.

    In any case, that wasn't even the point I was trying to make. I don't understand why some people think it is OK to fire someone when they have a legal binding contract & that they don't have the right to sue when the contract is broken by the other party. That is what I have a problem with.

    When you tweeted to Don F & the guy who was asking about it, you mentioned that he was the one who filed a lawsuit. I was only saying that I think he had the right to do so....This is my opinion. I guess some don't agree with that, but it is what it is. I wonder what Don thought of your tweet?
    Did he reply? I didn't follow up on it. It may just be smart of him not to say anything more, but you brought up the lawsuit there in the tweeting.
    My opinion is as follows:

    Assuming there was no clause in Felder's contract which specifically stated that he could not be fired, the Eagles were legally entitled to fire him. The alternative was that they were stuck with him or had to break up. Such a scenario makes no sense. People can be fired regardless of contracts. It happens every day.

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