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Thread: Some Glenn animations!

  1. #11
    Stuck on the Border EagleLady's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

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  2. #12
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!


    Unfortunately I cannot use these as avatars because Photobucket is telling me the remote file is too large. If I try and update the file from my computer the image is not animated.

    Still, these will be good for people who can use them.

  3. #13
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    FP, just direct link to the image from where it is now, on my photobucket account, in your Control Panel.

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  4. #14
    Stuck on the Border eaglesvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    Somehow, I missed those the first time around! Wonderful job! But Nancy, you saved the very best for your current av...that is the absolute steamiest! HFO era, right?

    ...the calling of the tide's eternal tune, the phases of the moon, the chambers of the heart, the egg and dart...

  5. #15
    Stuck on the Border Stars's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    I missed them too, EV! They are great,Soda! Thanks so much for posting them. I particularly like the one where he's on the sofa playing his guitar. Does anyone know which video that one is from? I don't think I've seen it before.

  6. #16
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    I'm lovin' on Soda's current av too - looks like the Buffalo show from HFO to me. And Stars the av that you are talking about where he's laying on the sofa in the blue sweater playing his guitar is from the Wiseguy television series that Glenn appeared in.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
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  7. #17
    Stuck on the Border Stars's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    Thanks for letting me know Dreamer, and thanks so much for posting the larger picture under Frey Fever!! I hope I can watch that Wiseguy episode someday! Does he sing too??

  8. #18
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    Yep - Dreamer is right - my av is from Buffalo 1994 and the couch one is from Wiseguy. Glad you guys like 'em!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #19
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    Nope - no singing in Wiseguy. As a matter of fact, I don't think Glenn ever sang in any of his acting roles - guess he was too busy focusing on his acting.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  10. #20
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Glenn animations!

    He did treat us to a few lines of It's All In The Game in Arli$$. I am home sick today & just watched it a few hours ago. I feel much better now! You'll just have to watch it now Dreamer, to refresh your memory .

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