This was it. Finally, the night of my Eagles show had arrived. I sat down in my front row seat and looked around. There was a guy behind me wearing a ___skirt_____ that said, 'I'm here for the ___bunches_____'. The guitar techs were onstage making sure the ____trees_____ were _____gorgeous_____.

Suddenly, I saw _____Glenn Frey_____ walking toward me. My heart beat faster as he stopped in front of me and smiled. I was suddenly so ____wonderful_____ I thought I would ___run_____! Without a word, he took my hand and put something small and round in it. It felt like a ____floor____. I looked down and saw a 3E button! I gasped and turned a bright shade of ____blue_____.

"I didn't think you gave these out anymore", I said in barely a whisper. _____Glenn____ laughed and said, "It's not what you think. Since this is the History of the Eagles Tour, we thought it'd be fun to bring back these 3E buttons. But we're not going backstage to ___write_______. You're going backstage to meet the guys and see our ____cats______. "

He took my _____knee_____, and as we walked backstage together, he said, "Take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own ______sheets_____ drive you crazy."