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Thread: Fleetwood Mac

  1. #131
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!


    Didn't take my camera to either show. There are a lot of videos from Anaheim on YouTube and one from San Diego. The Ledge, a good FWM chat board, has a lot of pixs if your interested of both shows.

    I'm hoping they'll do another North Am leg before heading off to Europe in Oct. like they did for their SYW tour. Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully you can make one of those shows. I had a rockin' good time.

    Carol Lynn

  2. #132
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Sounds like a good time CL! Glad you had fun! That Lindsey is such a flirt.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #133
    Border Rebel carol7lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Sounds like a good time CL! Glad you had fun! That Lindsey is such a flirt.
    He can flirt with me anytime! I'm still walking on sunshine!

    The funny thing is, when he's doing a solo tour, he keeps his eyes closed most of the time and only sneaks peeks every now and then. But, when he's with the Mac he's eyes wide open. I'm wondering if he flirts or even grandstands (You know the chest pounding, bowing, hand slapping, etc)just to piss Stevie off. I'm sure he's still nursing some old wounds. After all, Stevie has observed in many interviews that it was the intense competition between the two of them that literally drove them apart. He may flirt just to annoy her and/or to prove to her the MAC fans like him as much, if not more than her. In any event, I'll be the object of his attention any day. I had a blast.

    Carol Lynn

  4. #134
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    My friend Kristin and I got back from the Fleetwood Mac show in New Orleans at 4:00 this morning central time. Exhausting but TOTALLY worth it!

    It was a terrific show - the last of the American leg. The house was packed and the crowd was really energetic - they gave several standing ovations. Kristin and I had third row seats but security was letting up the first few rows to the stage, where we could dance with abandon and the band could soak up our unbridled enthusiasm as they played. Oh, how I wish the Eagles would allow this.

    We stood to the left of Stevie Nicks, right in Lindsey Buckingham's line of sight but sadly a bit too close to the speaker for comfort. However, the best spots were already taken! Lindsey played with the crowd at his feet as he always does, pointing and smiling at pretty much every girl in sight be they gorgeous or plain. I love that about him! What was also very cool was that Stevie, who usually keeps her eyes above heads, was looking around and making more "crowd contact" than she has at shows I've been to in the past. They seem to have a soft spot in their heart for New Orleans. Obviously, the city has been through a great deal - and they hadn't played here since the Tango in the Night tour of 1987. Lindsey wasn't in the band then, and hasn't played there with Fleetwood Mac since the Rumours tour of 1977! Lindsey and Stevie were much more interactive than the last show I went to - Pittsburgh, the opener - and there was a lot of emotion in the air.

    Unfortunately, there was no Silver Springs, but that was more than made up for by the fact that Stevie sang a snippet of an unreleased song she wrote in honor of New Orleans. More on that later!

    Monday Morning

    They started about 20 minutes late, and by the time they came out, we were more than ready. Stevie and Lindsey came out holding hands. Stevie was in her lovely corseted black dress; Lindsey was in his red shirt, black jacket, and dark jeans as usual. Given that it was terribly hot in there, they must have been dying! I know we were, packed at the stage so tight that I could feel the lady in front of me breathe! Now, to the song. They sang it with spirit and I could tell it was going to be a great night right away! Lindsey immediately started making eye contact with people in the crowd, pointing, etc. I waved at him and he squinted in our direction, probably thinking, "Do I know them? Nah." lol. But it was still cool. Those moments when they look at you are so special, as those who have gotten a smile from an Eagle know very well!

    The Chain
    Lindsey intro'ed it with his a speech about the band getting together and having fun because there was no album promote - "YET." (Crossing fingers he means it). Then he hollered, "And we hope you have fun too!" to great cheers. The song was done well, and we all gave a big cheer for John McVie as he did that bass solo. Because his sleeves were short, we could see his cool penguin tattoo very well! (Fleetwood Mac released a "Penguin" album in the 60s and it's the band's mascot.)

    Great rendition. Stevie's voice sounded wonderful on Dreams and was consistent throughout the night.

    I Know I'm Not Wrong

    I always forget how well this song plays live until I'm in the midst of a crowd hollering "I know I'm not wrong!!!!" with the chorus. Great fun!


    My favorite song, and the first "Stevie/Lindsey moment" that I saw. This is also where I saw Stevie's extremely cool black fingerless gloves with fringe. Anyway, she intro'ed the song by telling a story about the days pre-fame, that was longer and more detailed than prior intro's of this song I have heard. I'm going to try to quote her as closely as possible, although obviously I may get some words wrong. She said: "My parents transferred to San Francisco when I was a senior in high school. I met Lindsey Buckingham for one day - I was a senior, and he was a junior. We met for one day and then I didn't hear a thing from him for two years. Then, I got a phone call asking me to join the band that he'd formed - or that he was a part of - I don't know what he was doing those two years, I wasn't there! Anyway, they asked me to join their band. I asked, 'What kind of band is it?' 'Cause you know, it could have been any kind of band. 'What kind of band is it?' They said, 'A hard core rock'n'roll band.' I said 'Hold on a minute'" - then Stevie acts like she's holding the phone away from her and doing a dance of joy, then putting the phone back to her ear and saying calmly - "'Yeah, I could do that.' So, I went over to Lindsey's house to practice. We practiced four days a week and played two days a week. And we were part of what I consider the greatest musical scene ever - the San Francisco music scene from 1965-1970. We opened for Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Santana - we opened for Santana two days before their big album came out, and we had lunch with them the next day. It was a special, magical time. You would understand that in New Orleans because this is a magical, musical city. So, then, a few years later, I wanted to write a little song to take me back to those special times, back to our house in those days, with the paper and lace and Lindsey's and my bed on the floor. So, this is the song about that time." As she closed it up, she looked over at Lindsey, who was standing at his mic smiling nostalgically. It was a very sweet moment. The song itself was absolutely wonderful. She did some spins during it which was very cute.

    Go Insane
    After Gypsy, Stevie walked off and Lindsey took over. I love the fact that they have included this Lindsey solo song and it rocked. For the first time, I finally understood the words on the echo at the end: "Lovin' you, so insane." I should probably change that on when I get a chance, as I put on there that I didn't know what he said.

    And then it was time for Stevie to make her entrance in her beautiful Rhiannon outfit, with the flowing sleeves and low-cut top. She looks so amazing. She stayed low at the end, but her voice was very sexy and throaty, so it made it very hot!

    Second Hand News
    Lindsey into'ed this by saying that it was the first song recorded for Rumours - "if I recall correctly; sometimes I don't - my memory has some holes in it" - and that Rumours was a time filled with a lot of turmoil, but also a lot of laughs and love as well. He said he thought that all of that genuine emotion was what made it hold up today. Then, that great riff started the song and the crowd was rockin' to the beat.

    Tusk is lots of fun, and I like it better earlier in the setlist than it was in the Say You Will tour of 2003. It rocked!


    Some more Stevie/Lindsey moments during this song. As they did in Pittsburgh, they faced each other during the "I had met my match" part. Something different: she embraced him during the instrumental interlude towards the end of the song rather than going to his mic to sing. What was especially cool here was the length of time she embraced him. She just blew off her cue to sing so she could hold him until the song ended. It wasn't a side hug; it was face to face. It was very touching, I thought! Stevie's voice on it was absolutely beautiful, and full of emotion. What a powerful song.

    Big Love
    Lindsey intro'ed this with a speech that was pretty wordy, so much so that I cannot recall all of it. It began with a story of how he was walking the streets of the French Quarter in New Orleans a couple days prior and saw all the guitarists playing in the street. He said he wanted to dedicate the song to them. The next part was bit different from Pittsburgh because it didn't have the part about how he's really happy in his house on the hill now with his wife and kids. Instead, he said something to the effect of that it was very descriptive of his mentality at the time it was written in 1987, but that it bears little relation to how he feels now, and talked some more about life in general. Then, he said that it started out full band, then became a single guitar/vocal piece, and a template for later work. He summed it up by saying now it represented the importance of change. As usual, he played the song perfectly and got a standing ovation. What an amazing talent he is!

    I Want to Go Back to New Orleans (new song)!
    Next was a very special moment. Unfortunately, I can't remember what Stevie said verbatim, but as I did for Gypsy I'll try to put it as close to what she said as possible. She said something like, "After IT happened, I was glued to my couch like everyone else, and I wanted to write something. I wanted to be positive because I knew you would come back. I've waited a long time to say this to you so I'm going to sing a little bit of a song I wrote now." She sang the song by herself, no band playing. The song was midtempo and upbeat. As she was singing it, I told myself, "I have to try and remember these words" but my mind was so blown by the fact we were hearing a new, special song that it was unable to retain it all! Same for Kristin. I can only hope there is a recording. What we can remember is that lyrics went something like "I want to go back to New Orleans. I want to wear feathers and beads." Then the next lines had something about wearing lace and going to Bourbon Street and the French Quarter. Towards the end she sang something to the effect of "I wanna brush by the vampires in the street." Then, after she stopped singing, she said "There's a whole song that goes with that." Some folks hollered, "SING IT!" But she stopped. It was essentially trying to capture the special spirit that embodies New Orleans in Stevie's mind - the fact that you can indeed walk the streets of New Orleans and see feathers, beads, lace, and yes - even people dressed like vampires. That the city is full of not only fun but a magic all its own; Stevie was creating a juxtaposition of images that evoke the unique nature of the town. Well done, Stevie, I say. It was especially meaning for Kristin, who had lived in New Orleans during Katrina.

    From that, it was only appropriate to dedicate Landslide to the people of New Orleans. Beautifully done. I do miss how she used to go over to Lindsey during Landslide as I will always consider it "their song," but oh well.

    Never Going Back Again
    Next, it was once again Lindsey's turn to shine with another hit from Rumours. The only problem was that Stevie was a bit of a distraction as turned her back, flung her arms out, and struck some lovely poses as he sang. I know everyone at our end of the stage, at least, was watching her! Lindsey of course did a wonderful job with the song regardless.

    At this point I noticed Stevie had changed into her lovely dark red dress. Stevie intro'ed this song a little differently. She said that they wanted to do something different, and that this was a song she loved and has always wanted to do, but this tour was the first time they had done it despite the fact it was from the 1979 Tusk album. She said it was "a song about stormy relationships, and stormy people... dark, dark, stormy people" and got a rather ominous look on her face before breaking into a smile. "It's called 'I Have Always Been a Storm.'" Of course Mick was out front for this and it was great. Love that they're doing this song now.

    Say You Love Me
    Yes, I miss Christine McVie but - they are so great on this song and I love that they're doing it! On a shallow personal note, Lindsey started giving our end of the crowd some lovin' and it was great having him look our way for "When the lovin' starts and the lights go down." However, it also had good Stevie/Lindsey moments as they sang part of it to each other. Love that!

    Gold Dust Woman

    This was the first time I had seen Stevie do Gold Dust Woman in her red dress, and the gold shawl against it made a striking contrast. Another Lindsey/Stevie moment: they were facing each other and looking pretty intense during the "Did she make you cry, make you break down" a couple choruses in. We could see Lindsey's face and woah. The only disappointment was her howl, which was kind of "monotonal" as Stevie would say!

    Oh Well

    Back to Lindsey! During this song, however, I decided to look over at Mick and John for the majority of it, thinking about how amazing it must be for them to playing this song still after all these years (the song was first released when Peter Green was still in the band, back in the sixties). Towards the end, Lindsey dragged out the "When I talk to God" part. After he said that line, he stopped, looked up, looked around, then looked up again... it was pretty funny. Finally he finished the song. Love that they added this to the set for this tour.

    I'm So Afraid

    My favorite Lindsey Fleetwood Mac song. I love how intense he gets playing this. I thought the guitar solo was a bit different than usual; a little less regular on the beat. A hot moment for me occurred during the solo. He walked over to the left end of the stage as he usually does for the solo, hitting his regular spot which was a little beyond where we were. Then, to my delight, at the end he moved and played the very end of the solo over me like he did in Indianapolis a few months ago (wonder if he remembers?). He leaned over so close as he played that his sweat dripped on me. That may gross some people out but I thought it was freaking hot. Ladies, just replace Lindsey with your favorite Eagle - imagine him leaning over you, his shirt gaping open so you can see his chest, sweat running down his flushed face and neck and dripping onto you, looking orgasmic as he hits the climactic high note with a leg on either on either side of you, and you will perhaps understand.

    Stand Back

    This song always rocks, and tonight was no exception. At this point Stevie was really amping it up and I loved it. Once again, Kristin and I were treated to Lindsey mouthing lyrics at us. Unfortunately, this was probably prompted by the fact that we both hollered "Stand Back!" at the wrong time and so thereafter he found it necessary to turn towards us and mouth "STAND BACK" when it really was time to sing it. OK, not ideal, but I'll take what I can get. Another treat was a certain lyric change. Where she usually says "I asked him for his love, that was all" - she sang "He asked me for too much, I said, 'TAKE IT ALL!'" She rarely sings it this way (I can only remember her doing it for the 1987 Tango in the Night tour video, and presumably for that whole tour - yes, I am hardcore, lol), and it's awesome!

    Go Your Own Way
    A break, then Stevie was back with her adorable top hat on. The opening strains of this always make me a bit sad as I know it's near the end, but they did a great job with it. I thought it was funny that Stevie actually turned her microphone and put her back to Lindsey during the "packin' up, shackin' up" line and then, after it, moved so that she was once again facing normally. She has made it very clear in interviews that these lines anger her and I guess that was the visible representation, lol. Lindsey came down to the audience to allow us to strum guitars, as he often does. He came over me again and I got to strum it as well.

    World Turning
    After a few moments of pretend goodbyes, they came back out for the encore. The audience at this time was on their feet and rockin' away. Mick Fleetwood's drum solo has certainly gotten longer since Pittsburgh! But he deserves his moment in the spotlight.

    Band Intros
    Lindsey was introduced as "the youth of the band" and "our mentor in the studio." Stevie was introduced as "the first lady of the band." Mick mentioned that the band intros were "John's dreaded moment" because he doesn't like being in the spotlight, which I thought was cute, then proceeded to introduce him anyway. There were the usual backing folks - Brett Tuggle, Neil Heywood, Sharon Celani, Lori Nicks, Janna Anderson. The backing band for the Mac is a lot smaller and less visible than for the Eagles, that's for sure. Tuggle plays keyboards in lieu of Christine, Heywood is an additional guitar, and the girls are backing singers.

    Don't Stop
    Lots of spirit, even if it annoys me a bit that Stevie changes the words a little - in the first verse, she sings "If your life isn't good for you, just think what tomorrow will do." One cute moment: Stevie did a little kick during this song. They thanked the crowd for being wonderful and seemed to really mean it.

    No Silver Springs - BOO!

    Other than the absence of Silver Springs, a magnificent show. SO glad I went.

    BUT... I almost got into a little altercation during the show! More on that in the next post...

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #135
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Ironic that this should come on the heels of a discussion about Don's distaste for signs and how he can be overly anal about it... but I guess I learned the hard way that sometimes, it's necessary to take a stand against the obnoxious ones.

    So, last night at the Fleetwood Mac concert, this woman next to me had a REALLY long banner. It was so long that it took about 12 people to hold it up, whom she was able to enlist somehow, probably by bugging them relentlessly. She tried to enlist me, but then I got a gander at what it said: "LINDSEY I HAVE WANTED TO F--K YOU FOR TEN YEARS" in super-big letters. Of course she did not have dashes instead of letters. It was right in the middle at the front, and stretched from in front of Stevie to in front of Lindsey. It was held up for several minutes during an early Lindsey song, and actually hit me in the face, so I kind of shoved it away from me. Lindsey saw it and nodded at me, like he thought it was my sign, to my mortification. I quickly shook my head and pointed at that other woman. Stevie was looking pissed off.

    Whatever. I shrugged it off and waited for her to put it down now that she'd been acknowledged. But she didn't. I don't know what she was waiting for - him to come over and proposition her from the stage? Finally, it drifted down. But that was not to be the end of it. She held it up a second time a couple songs later. Again, it hit me in the face. Again, I tolerated it. By this point, the MANY people it was blocking were getting annoyed too.

    Then, Stevie sang the moving song about New Orleans, and went into Landslide. The woman started shoving the banner up AGAIN. It was obvious Stevie hated the vulgar sign and here she was, pouring her heart out during a highly emotional song, and she was gonna have to look at THAT again? I'd had enough. "Not this time," I said, and grabbed the corner, pulling it down. The woman tried to move away but I was on a mission. I wouldn't let go.

    She became enraged, calling me all sorts of vulgarities for the remainder of the song. I simply turned away and refused to react, but never let go of that sign until I saw it fall to the floor. After the song, she continued hollering. I turned to her and said as politely as I could, "Ma'am, please be quiet, I am trying to enjoy the show." Then I turned away again and determinedly did not look at her or acknowledge her. You can imagine this did not silence her, but it was fairly easy to block her out as there was someone in between her and me and therefore I didn't have to see her. Also, with the crowd noise, her epithets were muffled to the degree where I couldn't quite make them out anyway. At any rate, the show was so wonderful that I could wrap myself in it and not think too hard about her, even though she continued ranting for several more songs.

    I don't know if Lindsey saw what happened, but after that was when he came over for I'm So Afraid and gave me some special attention, much to that woman's anger. Hmmm.

    As I said, she continued for several songs afterwards and then approached me again, at which point I said "We'll talk after the show." At that, she finally left me alone with the promise that "We definitely will."

    Of course, when the lights came up at the end, she scurried away. Whatever, if she had tried anything I would have just called over security.

    I can only hope she only acts that way when she's liquored up because otherwise.... woah. One would hope a woman who was obviously over 50 would have a little more maturity, but oh well.

    I don't regret doing it and I'd do it again. But I have to admit, it did occur to me that Mr. Don Henley would never have allowed that to happen.

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  6. #136
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Good on you, Soda! I have to say, I would love to see Don's reaction to a sign like that. LMAO. I'm glad you had a great time, despite the woman with the banner. You're exactly right - why continue to hold it up once he's read it? What was she expecting?

    It sounds like a fantastic show though. I'm thrilled you got to see the last one of the tour. And at least you have a pretty good story to tell about your almost-altercation at a Fleetwood Mac concert!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  7. #137
    Stuck on the Border eaglesvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Wow, that was really uncalled for, Nancy! No, not your reaction...the woman's profane and overly-long banner! What was she thinking? Unbelievable that she would have the nerve to bring that thing into the venue, and convince other innocent bystanders to partake in holding it up not once but multiple in the world does something like that happen? Where were the Sign Police that I encountered on my way into Hershey Arena, who made me deep-six a one-person 11" x 14" posterboard congratulating the Eagles on their CMA wins (that I was planning to hold up only if they actually won that night.) Boy, my security guards would've had their hands full at that Mac concert, now wouldn't they have?!?

    ...the calling of the tide's eternal tune, the phases of the moon, the chambers of the heart, the egg and dart...

  8. #138
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Glad you sympathize, guys! Now, check out a photo where you can (sort of) see my friend Kristin and I - or at least the backs of our heads! We are right against the stage - this is when Lindsey was coming over to us for Go Your Own Way. She is the straight-haired brunette to the right of the speaker and I am right next to her with both my hands raised.

    See that pit of people. I believe the first five rows were allowed to come up. It was wild!

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  9. #139
    Stuck on the Border luvthelighthouse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    "I" would be WAY too embarrassed to put that on a banner. Then, to hold it up for periods of time, over and over... OMG!

    Kudos to you Soda, you handled it well.

  10. #140
    Out on the Border Marla's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fleetwood Mac touring!

    Glad you had fun, Nancy! Sorry about the 'Witchy Woman' ! When I saw Mac in Bossier City several years back there were 4 drunk women sitting behind us who talked really loud & tried to pick up every stray guy who passed by. Obviously these folks are not there for the music, huh?

    My son really loved the show & raved about Lindsey's guitar playing as well as his vocals.

    And, thanks for the great review.

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