Eagles Articles

Stan Lynch

Eagles co-writing credits
Learn to Be Still (with Henley)

Eagles producing credits
Assistant Producer: Hell Freezes Over (for the song "Learn to Be Still")

Eagles musical credits
Percussion on Hell Freezes Over

Stan Lynch on Wikipedia
Stan Lynch on AllMusicGuide

Involvement with the Eagles
Most famous as a member of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Stan Lynch has often collaborated with Don Henley on solo material. He co-wrote Drivin' with Your Eyes Closed on Don Henley's Building the Perfect Beast album. He also co-wrote The Last Worthless Evening, How Bad Do You Want It and Gimme What You Got off of The End of the Innocence. On Inside Job, he co-wrote the majority of songs: Nobody Else in the World But You, Taking You Home, Workin' It, Goodbye to a River, They're Not Here, They're Not Coming, Damn It Rose, Miss Ghost, The Genie, and My Thanksgiving.

They started co-writing Learn to Be Still prior to the Hell Freezes Over reunion. When it was time to contribute new songs to that album, Don pulled it out. Lynch also co-produced that song. In addition to his songwriting contribution, Lynch has toured with the Eagles on occasion; he was one of the percussionists for Hell Freezes Over.


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